Arabian Media Tech

Cyber Service

Arabian Media Tech Provides
Cyber Service With Different Types

1- Networking Infrastrure Solutions

Arabian Media Tech can harness cutting-edge networking infrastructure solutions to revolutionize its operations. By integrating high-speed, scalable networking technologies, Arabian Media Tech can ensure seamless content delivery, enhanced collaboration among teams, and robust security measures. Whether it’s implementing advanced cloud-based solutions for storage and processing or deploying efficient data center architectures, Arabian Media Tech can optimize its infrastructure to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving media landscape. With tailored networking solutions, Arabian Media Tech can elevate its capabilities, streamline workflows, and deliver unparalleled experiences to its audience across the region.

Networking Infrastrure Fields

NGFW (CISCO, PaloAlto, Fortigate)
Load balancer (F5, Citrix)
WAF (F5)
Wireless (Aruba, Cisco)
NAC (Aruba, Cisco)
WAN Optimization (Riverbed)
Mail Gateway (Fortimail, ProofPoint)
Forward Proxy (Forcepoint)

2- Cloud Migration In Collaboration With Azure, GCP And Amazon

Arabian Media Tech is leveraging the power of cloud migration with leading providers Azure, GCP, and Amazon to revolutionize its operations. By migrating its infrastructure to the cloud, Arabian Media Tech gains scalability, flexibility, and enhanced performance. With Azure, it harnesses Microsoft’s robust ecosystem for seamless integration and advanced analytics. GCP offers cutting-edge machine learning capabilities, empowering Arabian Media Tech to unlock valuable insights from its data. Meanwhile, Amazon’s AWS provides unmatched reliability and security, ensuring uninterrupted operations. Together, this collaboration enables Arabian Media Tech to stay ahead in the dynamic landscape of media technology, delivering innovative solutions with efficiency and agility.

Cloud Migration In Collaboration With Azure, GCP And Amazon Fields

Design and Deployment
Data Migration
Application Migration
Testing and Validation
Training and Support

3- Penetration Testing

Penetration testing for Arabian Media Tech involves rigorous assessment of their digital infrastructure, focusing on identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could compromise security. Through simulated attacks, ethical hackers probe networks, applications, and systems to uncover potential entry points for malicious actors. This proactive approach helps Arabian Media Tech to fortify their defenses, safeguard sensitive data, and ensure uninterrupted operations amidst evolving cyber threats. By prioritizing security through penetration testing, Arabian Media Tech demonstrates their commitment to maintaining trust, integrity, and resilience in an increasingly digital landscape.

Penetration Testing Fields

Web application penetration testing
Mobile penetration testing
Wireless penetration testing
Voip penetration testing

4- Source Code Review

Source code review is a crucial process for Arabian Media Tech, ensuring the integrity, security, and efficiency of their software solutions. By meticulously examining the codebase, experts can identify potential vulnerabilities, enhance performance, and maintain coding standards. This meticulous scrutiny not only fortifies the reliability of their products but also fosters innovation and agility within their development teams. Through rigorous source code review, Arabian Media Tech upholds their commitment to delivering cutting-edge technology solutions that meet the highest industry standards while safeguarding the integrity of their digital ecosystem.

Source Code Review Fields
